Friday, October 29, 2004

check this out

So in my wandetings, I saw this:
"A possible new angle to the debate about the ethics and possibility of the development of species."
check it out.

I don't get it all, since i havent read it all, but it is interesting to see that people are thinking about what might come next in Human History, and all that...

other sites i found:

anyhow, i aint endorsing these sites.... i may not even believe in them all. ( i just skimmed, not read in depth) but hey, read them and enjoy, or not, as you see fit.

and yes, crystal, i will respond to your blog in a bit.


Crystal said...

Alright alright, I read it. But when you post that much information all at once it is hard for me to read it all at once. So if you want a real post your gonna have to wait until perhaps tuesday when I can read it all at work.

Crystal said...

My thoughts on the first article: Hopefull optemists.
I know that some things will happen in our life time (estimating we live about a century by the time we get old) but many will not.

I don't and will never believe in stopping death. I think its unrealistic, everything that starts must stop. Perhaps if you count downloading your thoughts into a computer or transfering bodies, but I don't. I think thats your thoughts and memories not 'you' Andy. I just have a hard time thinking we will manage to flawlessly pull everything out of yuor brain and put it into a new on, mechanical or physical.

So I mean I think that most of the things that they say are plausable I just think that their time scale is a bit off. I also think that there will be a lot of political and social resistance to such a movement where we can alter our bodies how we see fit. There must be something in place to stop 'Gaddica' from happening.

Its unfair to force others to get genetic improovments because your the best man for the job because you got them. Or at least I think thats unfair, its not really a choice if you have to do it to get the job.

Bla... I am so not into answering this right now. Maybe later. Stop forcing replys on me!