Friday, August 26, 2005

A New Hope

OK, So here's what's been going on recently.

Moved in to the new place, and it took 5 days to get internet. and then, on the 5th day, it took 7 hours to get internet... first it had to be connected, which took hour and a half. then i had to fiddle around for the rest of the time getting it to my computer.bah, it sucked...

anyhow, then we traveled to Pensacola, to find a wedding spot and to get some stuff we needed, like... a big table, and a big TV. So yeah, both are super big, and it's awesome. oh, and we found a spot for the wedding and reception, i hope. i think we did, but we didnt sign any papers yet, so... but yeah, and we drove the uhaul truck back to tally and had stuff.

lets see, then 2 days later school started. my classes this semester ought to be cool. i have 5 of them, and i am pretty excited. they are:
environmental law: this is so i can debate the hippies and win. it should be fun, and pretty interesting, as long as the hippies in class dont take over. the prof isnt a hippie, i think, so thats good.

international trade law: this is an ...ehh... class, but it should be cool. its all about how public trading on a global level goes on. the prof is really well-versed in it, but he's a bit monotone on delivery, so we'll see.

immigration law: should be fun, and handy in FL. the prof is a cool jamaican dude, so thats always fun. and the class eems to be mostly problem based, which is a nice change.

bioethics and the law: probably the most anticipated class I have. its name says it all. so i will have lots of questions and debating to talk about. this class has an additional positive, and a negative. the positive is that I can write a paper instead of take the final. cool, neh? the bad thing is that there's this guy who evidently has had some philosophy background. he likes to interject with philosophy stuff that is totally off topic! i could act like him and spout philosophy crap, but im not a tard! so yeah, that irritates me. aside form him, i am excited to be in the class. and if need be, ill take him down a peg or 2.

alternative dispute resolution: i was looking forward to this too, but its not as cool as i was hoping. its all about the laws behind why and how and when you can use mediation and arbitration. i was hoping for more learning how to arbitrate, but ehh, this should be ok too. the guy teaching it is a judge for the state appeals court, which is cool. we'll see...

anyhow, tomorrow i start my lsat prep class. i have been working on this pretty consistently for the last month or so. tomorrow is just the diagnostic test, but on tuesday the real class begins. its 3 hours a night, 2 days a week, with a diagnostic test every other saturday.

and that's all i got. so i will leave you for now.

Your Moment of Zen: Om.


Sampson said...

You've been very busy lately it seems. and your classes for the fall all look to be very interesting, but like any class, i suppose a lot of that depends on the professors anyway. Unenthusiastic instruction and ho-hum assignments can suck the life out of any class. Your international trade law class sounds like an interesting forum for discussions on globalization at least, even if it does seem sort of 'ehh'. And congratualations on having a class where the final is a paper rather than a test!

Crystal said...

Hrm yes classes... I miss them... I think I am going to take an online vet class just for funsies (its like 50$ at a local community college) just so I can pretend like I am learning stuff. Maybe I will, but I doubt it, its a vet tech class thing but who knows. Better than nothing.

On a side note why do americans write $50, when its fifty dollars? Every one else does 50$, because thats how you say it. I prefer to write it 50$ as opposed to $50 and so I will.

nobbit said...

What is this "everyone else"? I've never seen anyone other than Crystal write it that way. Although it does make sense as well.