Monday, November 21, 2005

Am I my Brother's/Neighbor's Keeper?

So, since no one but crystal (thanks crystal) posted on the last post, I will update.

Am I my Neighbor's Keeper? Do I have any sort of duty to my nieghbor, or should he look after him/her self?

On the one hand, looking after your neighbor seems to be the neighborly thing to do. But on the other hand, I don't want anyone looking after me unless I specifically allow them to. So should I keep after someone I don't know? What if there is some written rule to be my neighbor's keeper? Should I still avoid being his/her keeper?

I don't think I would ever want someone else to be my keeper, no matter what. I can police myself, and watch out for myself - I would feel bothered if someone else assigned themselves to be my keeper without my knowledge/consent/whatever.

Anyhow, that's my new post.


Jason said...

Despite growing up in a place where everyone was 'neighborly' to one another, I'd go with it's really none of your business what your neighbor is doing--up to the point, of course, that your neighbor is causing a problem for you.

I'm really not sure how deep you're pushing for this 'keeping' of your neighbor, so that's the best answer I can give with what I've got. Do you mean watching over the fence with my binoculars to make sure my neigbor isn't cooking meth in his bathtub, or do you mean pulling their trash bin back up into their yard when the garbagemen leave it in their driveway so the neighbors can pull into their carport when they get home instead of having to get out of the car and push it in themselves?

Based on my upbringing, I'd say the latter is 'downright neighborly' while the first is just busybody-ing... unless, of course, the neighbor's meth lab attracts vagrants who like to sleep in your birdbath, but then it's you being bothered by something your neighbor's doing.

Crystal said...

I guess as a semi buddhist it depends on how your looking at this issue as to how I would respond.

I grew up in New England, and well we are very private people. You don't butt your nose in where it doesn't belong, my life is mine, worry about yours. But that just applies to generalities.

I do agree with Jason that picking up the neighbors trash can is a nice thing to do, but not a necessity. Noticing your neighbor doesn't lock their door and dropping the hint that there have been break ins, also nice but not necissary. If they have a meth lab, and its not affecting you, its not your buisness.

But I will say as a person who believes in trying to help others better themselves, you may want to help your neighbor. This of course is only if they want help. As a buddhist I say that they must want to help themselves before you can help them any way. Be firends with others but you can't force change.

Jason said...

--I still want a clearer definition.
