Friday, February 03, 2006

For cryin' out loud...

This sort of thing is why people don't like lawyers... But just remember, the consumer initiated it.


Skewbiedoo said...

yeah i saw that....that's why YOU suck.


and one more for emphasis.


Crystal said...

This is one of those reasons why I hate people. All this supid shit, they already said, he stupid listening to this to loud can hurt you and so some one didn't think that was enough warning.

This is why we have things like, do not use deoderant orally, keep shaving cream away from open flames, caution cling wraps new cutting edge is sharp.

I hate people, they just drive prices up for the rest of us. While the company forks over 11 million ot some ass hat, the rest of us have to pay $80 more for their iPod. We should find said ass hat, and bear out $80 out of him/her...