Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It works.

OK, now that this works again, I will do a short post, not the ginormous book that crystal posted.

First off, crystal cheated in the spam sampson's post game. You can't leave and come back and count that as one sitting, or whatever. So I am still winning. 32 is my victory!

In other news, this past weekend we went to Beth's family reunion in Florala Alabama. It was pretty fun, all things considered. We got to play waterballoon games and stuff like that. The only drawback was that the food we had was all southern. Now, I have no beef agianst all things southern. But the food is all salty and stuff. And I grew up with no salt on the table or anything. So the food is too much for me, really. But the desserts were really good.

And aside from that, I have been relaxing since school got out. I sent out a bunch of resumes and went into offices, but so far no job. I am gonna continue doing this for a while, but if there is no job forthcoming in a few weeks, I will be expanding my search to more than just law jobs. I mean, I have to pay the bills, right? So, hopefully I will be writing soon that I have a job, but who can say.

One more thing. Apparently employers are big into checking to see if potential employees have blogs and checking them before making a decision about hiring. Seems strange to me. I mean, I guess if we write it here, we should expect that people will read it, right? But it's odd to think that employers will be reading it too. So I guess as we have already learned, discretion is good, huh.

Anyhow, that's it for me.


Sampson said...

I frequently scoped out the myspace accounts for potential student hires. With all of the casual, generally less-filtered imformation people freely share about themselves, it makes sense to do this sort of research on a prospective employee. It's a lot more revealing than what you can get simply out of an interview - and particularly useful if you're hiring someone for a position that involves a degree of confidentiality.

Good luck on your job search and let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Crystal said...

I did not cheat! I was at the computer the whole time and paused for no more than 8 minutes (had to give change).

I also gave more than one word posts... YOU cheated

nobbit said...

I want Andy to update!!!!!