Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sampson, I win.

This is what I got when I tried to keep leaving comments.

"Comments have been disabled on this post."

So I win. AND my comments were content-free. Awww yeah.


Sampson said...

If I don't see it there, I don't believe it. Perhaps the blog was intelligent enough to realize how unimportant your comments would be, and thus, decided to block you from postigng them.

Even the blog is aware enough to disregard what you have to write.

Or maybe I just slipped the administrators a $20.


Sampson said...

You did it to mine!! Your posts hadn't appeared yet when I went through everything last night, and I tend to look at my blog last.

You sneaky sneaker....


Sampson said...

I had just assumed that you would add on to Crystals.