Sunday, June 18, 2006

Del Smells

Now that that's out of the way...

I think Beth is casting voodoo magic or something. This weekend, I lost at Catan. Beth won. Not too uncommon, right? But it gets worse. Beth also beat me at 5 games out of 11 in cribbage. 5! To toot my own horn, I do not often lose in cribbage. So either she's gotten really good, I've begun to suck at games, or, more likely, she is casting a spell on me...

In other news, our apartment is finally back in order and clean. After a month of slovenliness, we finally got the place clean and shiny again. Looks good too, when it is clean.

I am starting to volunteer at a legal clinic tomorrow, for 5 hours a week. It will be great experience, and I will be seeing a whole lot of different types of problems. I am looking forward to it - especially bcause it is business casual, and not suit or anything.

OK, I am gonna log off, since Beth is spying on me. A longer post may follow in a few days. People, we need to make plans to get back into the catan vibe. We can work out the multitude of time zones and such, I am sure. Will and Way, and all that.

So, to recap, Beth -voodoo, Del - smell. the rest of you, I havent figured out insults for you yet. But you're time will come.


Delia Carolina said...

Del Smells like wonderful shower gels, and perfumes, deodorant, and altogether clean... cause unlike Andy, Delia takes daily showers, and takes pride in hygiene. :D

nobbit said...

Now in my defense, when Andy does win, I am only a few pegs behind and he only wins because he cheats and rigs it such that he gets to count points first. And he is a critic that censors my posts!

Delia Carolina said...

I also believe that Andy rigs and cheats so that he can win....

Smackymc said...


Del smells like old and moldy shower gels, old and moldy perfumes, old and moldy... well you get the idea. :)

I only censored the word "occassionally" from Beth's comment. Because it isn't occassionally when I win. Well, not in cribbage, at least. But I didn't censor anything else.

So there.

Smackymc said...

cheating and rigging, while it's a potential thing I do, I never been caught yet, so boo yah!

Delia Carolina said...

lol, i think you smell the old and mold in yourself... the smell is too strong andy, and therefore you think others smell this way as well....

Crystal said...

Andy if your cheese was old an dmoldy before, it has to be more rank now. I think delia is right, your smelling yourself.

As for cheating I thought I had caught you cheating once? That or assisted you cheating... if I assisted then Nobbit must have taken all my wheat or something and I needed to hate on her. I am such a vengeful Catan player ::wink::

I miss Catan, I really do. Its gonna be a long bit of while before we can play though. Looks like no internet for us for 2 months! We will just have to play for you at night and for me and Jason in the mornings. We will work it out.

Later Buster

Delia Carolina said...

Yes, Crystal is right... as am I. You're the one that smells.