Tuesday, June 27, 2006


No, I am not gonna post pics here. First, I don't know how. And second, I would prefer to send the interested parties the compressed file full of tons of photos from the disposable cameras. So if you want photos, get your email addresses to me. And don't assume I have your address, cause I might or I might not. Anyhow, more to follow.


Sampson said...

I like pictures.

Anonymous said...

I want pictures. :) My e-mail is the same as always, myjakjaer@yahoo.com.

Crystal said...

I notice your reading The Saga of the Recluce... well I just finished the first book and well...

Plot is interesting and a bit fresh though in some places its also a bit worn, why is the hero always at puberty?

But I must confess, I do not like the writing style. I hate the constant use of sounds the way its done, there isn't enough description when it should be used, and its a very casual style.

I also don't enjoy the wtf you feel for the first 100 pages or so in each book (as I am getting it again in book 2). Its not a Jordon or Goodkind wtf where your just left wondering who was that, were they important but a wtf of no really what the hell is going on, who the hell is this and where are we. Its like reading jiberish until 100 pages in when they decide to start to actually explain things. I don't mind some confusion, but this... I don't know it just irritates me.

I guess I am just turning into a snobb, or maybe I am just more picky now that I have been exposed to more and more writing styles. I will read all 13 books I am sure but its gonna bug me the whole time.

So yes, good plot, poor writing