Sunday, August 27, 2006

If You Have Any Poo, Fling It Now

So, I was reading an article - a blog - and I thought it was worth sharing, as were my thoughts on the subject.

This post really made me think about the state of affairs in the airports and with national security right now. It really made me wonder at the state of affairs in Denmark, ya know? I wanted to write a letter the various airlines and tell them that I am boycotting their services until they stop with this BS treatment of American citizens, and stop fear-mongering. I mean, I know I am just one person, but if people stop flying, stop allowing these abuses to take place, maybe we could get back to the happy days where flying was a wonderful thing. Maybe airlines would get the message that giving in to fear is not the answer.

But then I wondered. How soon after I mailed the letter would it be sent to Homeland Security? I'd be blacklisted from flying, and knowing my luck I'd be strip searched at the check points. And that's a bad thing for everyone. Or worse yet, I'd vanish one day. I'd get carted off to Cuba, and share a cell with 4 or 5 people. And you know what they do for fun there. Well, if you don't let me enlighten you. They have human waste distance throwing contests! The winner gets the losers' puddings for a day. And of course, instead of saying "ready, set, go", which is soo pedestrian, the judge says...

...say it with me...

"If you have any poo, fling it NOW!"

The More You Know


Crystal said...

That... that is wrong on so many levels.

I have seen offensive tee shirts and you can wear then where you want in public establishments. If you can wear a shirt that says "Fuck the Police" or a Kanji shirt with "Peace" on it...

How can people be offended by a shirt with aribic on it! Cause the terrorists are going to all wear shirts that say "I'm a bomber" in aribic on then to identify each other. Cause they wouldn't I wear I heart NY tee shirts to do that.

I guess as a plane is a private establishment they can make you do what they want, but the shirt was not offensive. If some one could -read- that it said "Fuck You All" or something to that nature, I wouldn't be so offended, as like I said the plane is private (no dinner jacket no table type thing).

But this is 'language' descrimination! Maybe if we weren't so ignorant a few Americans who worked there would be able to read his shirt... ::grumble::

But as for boycotting the air lines? Can't happen. People depend on getting from FL to CA in 4 hours not over 24 hours. I depend on planes to get me off this island if I need to, it would take months to do so by boat. The planes are needed, there will be no boycott... but the power of voices, thats another thing.

We can use our voices, its time that the sane people raised their voices to drown out the minority who insist upon fanning the flames of fear and hate.

Adam said...

Do you mean to say, Crystal and Andy, that if boycotting is not the way, that perhaps we need to tell the airline companies that we're not afraid of hyped-up, non-realistic "threats" to airplanes? Maybe that's what we should write to the airline companies. Not "I'm boycotting," but "I'm not afraid of these terrorists and I don't believe in media and political scare tactics designed to take away my fredoms." Do you think that sends a stronger message? "I just want you to know, General Manager, that I'll submit to your searches and your requirements, but don't feel like you have to do them because your customers are afraid. We're not."

Crystal said...

While I don't think that letters are as effective as boycotting, I do thing enough letters gets the point across that maybe its -not- the majority who are living in fear.

Its just that in some case, the way the world works today, its not practical to boycot 'airplanes' in general. Perhaps certain companies, but they are all guilty. Its hard to pick just one 'brand' not to fly.

A facinating concept would be a 'sit in' on a plane as a form of 'boycot'. Refusing to leave the planes in a timely fashion. While this would make planes late and mess up scheduals quite a bit, it would not stop all forms of aerial