Thursday, August 17, 2006

Short Post

A glimmer of hope in this crazy world.


Crystal said...

I wouldn't call it a glimmer of hope really. I think most people think that on the whole this is wrong. That they shouldn't be watched like this, with our due process.

However, the government understood that they were doing wire taps with out warrents when they started this. We all know that "wiretapping with out a warrent" is illegal (no matter how you interpret the rest of the constitution and presidental power). On some level, they knew that this was 'wrong'.

They knew that tracking bank accounts was also wrong, again with out warrents etc. They knew that detaining prisioners with out charging them or proof of crimes was wrong. They knew that the use of torture (not the photo's that made all the head lines but real tourture) was wrong (and has now endangered our troops more than ever) was wrong.

Our government knew hands down that they were doing a whole lot of unconstitutional things. They knew they needed to have back up answers to why they violated some of our most founding laws. Small 'loop holes' for them to worm into as to why they were doing illegal things.

I don't care if the suprime court tells them its wrong, when you have a government that feels it is above the law and can do 'anything' to 'protect' its people... it doesn't matter what any one will 'say'. There will be no reprocussions of all of this, therefore what will they care?

They will operate under the flag of not in trouble unless your caught. And even once they are caught, if you think you have the power to do a thing, people telling you not to wont stop you.

In a very scary way its like a terrorist. They feel that they are right, they have a cause that makes them rightous, they have people who support them in their decisions. Saying 'thats illegal' wont stop them. They think they are doing this for the good of America or for the good of the world.

The only way to stop this here and now is to show the president that the people mean business. He needs to see reprocussions of his actions. Unfortunatly the only way to do this, would be to impeach. But I think its high time presidents feared for their job and realized that the American people do have the power to shut them down when they start doing things we don't like.

Perhaps the days of taking up arms against a failing government are over, but its high time we excersize our rights and in a majority voice say no more.

**That was long winded and I am sure unordered. I guess as of late I am just very angry about all of this. About our current politics and whats going on. I used to say that the President was stupid and he was a morron who blundered into mistakes. Idiots can be forgiven. People who intentionally go above their power, are not idiots. People who fan the flames of hate to get power, are not idiots. If its our President or our countries advisors they just really piss me off! I am ranting.

Where am I? And how did I get in this handbasket with the rest of America?

Skewbiedoo said...

Of course there will be repercussions. There will be several million individual repercussions in november. True, our gov't doesn't give a shit, but it doesn't have to. With 2 branches of the gov't under the GOPs thumb and the third branch being one that must operate at a snails pace, repercussions come slowly. This is the right time for such a judicial statement. it'll eat up a few news cycles, and the democrats will start rallying behind Hillary Clinton's outward criticism of Rumsfeld and Lemont's victory in CT. Talking heads will make many of the same points you've made here, and this will light a fire under the asses of apathy and sloth.

here's to hoping we are more than a nation of cowards and knee-jerk reactionaries.