Sunday, September 24, 2006

Good Morning Sunshine

You Are Sunshine

Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned

You are best known for: your warmth

Your dominant state: connecting


Delia Carolina said...

Andy!! You're our sunshine!!!
lol... somehow that strikes me as very funny!

Crystal said...

One, "Good morning"? Has any one seen you in the morning?

Two, "You are often held up by others as the ideal"... riiiight

nobbit said...

I'm rain. And in Andy's defense, he used to wake up early until I came along. I made him sleep in until he finally got used to it. Training is fun!:)

Delia Carolina said...

and now beth is the one who has to get up early... hahaha.

Jason said...

I, for one, never remember an Andy who woke up early. At least, not any earlier than I ever woke up.

And, yea, I call shenanigans on Andy-as-sun.