Saturday, September 09, 2006

To PC or not to PC, That Is the Question?

This post is from about 2 years in the future. Future Me(tm) will be buying a computer to be the gaming/random applications/whatever-I-want-it-to-be station, and the toshiba laptop will be used just as document writer/internet getter. And Future Me is unsure what sort of computer to get. There are 4 options, and Future Me is torn. Should Me buy:

1. a laptop PC (thought not HP or Toshiba)
2. a laptop Mac
3. a desktop PC
4. a desktop Mac

So Future Me wants to hear the pluses and minuses of each side so as to make a good decision. Me could, you know, read articles and learn meself, but hopefully this stimulating debate will shake out the strengths and weaknesses of each type of machine. And since there is a balance among you all between Mac users and PC users.

Yeah, I'm lazy. So what? Like you're not. Just post. You know you want to. Every post has a chance of winning a unique prize. Just Do It. Post. Comment. Do it. Zamboni.


Crystal said...

Unless a lot changes, it will still be easier to get an affordable desktop easier than an affordable laptop. You can get a 700$ desk top with periferals that will do pretty much anything you ask of it (except eventually it wont play high end games). But to get the same computing capabilities from a laptop th price is often much higher.

How mobile are your non internet/writing needs really? Do you really need to play your games out and about?

In reality this is a question that can't really be broached right now. Technology is changing too rapidly, its almost impossible to say in 2 years where technology will be.

If things stay the same as they are now, I vote desktop. Laptops just cost to much for technology that isnt already extinct. Its cheaper to have an affordable 'disposable' desktop as a main and laptops as secondaries.

Jason said...

In brief, as I'm running out the door to go to work on a Sunday--
Future Andy, get a desktop. You've already got a laptop that will be just as "behind the times" as any other laptop you pick up off the shelf. As for the PC/MAC aspect of it, unless something crazy changes in the next two years, I'd say PC (though you could do without windows, in favor of some flavor of linux (ubuntu looks promising even now, it'll be the way to go if they keep it up for another two years).

No plus, no minus, just "Andy, do this."

--This is, of course, all assuming that by two years from now we're not all running the internet off the nanobots in our brains, as was described in the "required reading" article e-mailed to all of us from the Wing Commander (his title makes him sound _much_ cooler than he really is).

Skewbiedoo said...

Jason said...

Thanks, Paul...

I, for one, stand corrected. Ignore all the thought and consideration where you're weighing the factors of "doing stuff" versus "doing stuff with the same software everyone else is using" --because, really, that's what it comes down to.

This comment, from solidly closes the door on any further debate.

"Are u really unable to decide? Excuse me but it s so "Stupide" to buy a PC A Mac of course :) "

Crystal said...

Okay... really Paul...

"i m only 14 and even i know that macs are better get a mac and you ll have it for much longer than a pc before having to buy a new one"

"Buy a Mac if your a drug addict and like to play games that were on PC 2years ago"

These are the people you bring to your defence for why you should get a mac? I mean, neither of my quotes fully express the 'full essence' of the web site. Do you really want to be associated with this site? Yes it does ask a simmilar question, but only morroms seem to be posting with an occasiona thought out answer.

Paul you have not only failed Andy with your link... but you have shamed yourself.


Delia Carolina said...

I like the PC lovers on that site...

"OMG this is retarded. got 3000$, buy QUAD Processor PC. Boot up and BAM... 3D Power Slickness flow in your vein..."

lol... I guess not everyone is that in love with macs...

(This is not representative of my thoughts on mac's of pc's, just laughed at the point this person made)

Sampson said...

Though I've already weighed in on this matter in another forum, I am on a comment blitz. So, blizzzow!

Adam said...

Macs are great computers. And fairly reliable (as long as you get that coverage for the first year or so). However, Macs suck for gaming. If you want to play games with cool graphics on a computer, get a PC.

If you get your gaming kicks elsewhere, then I would get a Mac. Lappy/desktop really has more to do with what you want it for.