Saturday, December 02, 2006

Alas Poor Pluto, I Knew Him Horatio

Now that all of the hubbub and furor has died down, and the dust has settled...

Pluto is no longer a planet. It was stricken from the ranks of the planets and is now a... What exactly is it now, anyway??

Well, I don't know what those scientists are calling it, but I have determined that a new class of celestial bodies exists, and Pluto is the first to fit into the category. Others may follow, but Pluto is the galactic object I thought of first when I conceived of the group name.

I will leave you with the category of bodies that Pluto fits into. Remember, I thought of it first.

Behold Pluto, first of the Planettes!


Crystal said...

Oi, Oi! What is the new address? Or should I just wait till next year to send your Christmas card and Wedding gift?

Crystal said...

I think Blogger needs to add something so that each blog can (if they choose) have a list of users who you know are people and not bots and thus don't have to use the word verification. Some sort of authorized commenters or some such... why must I always fail at the stupid word verification?