Sunday, February 18, 2007


In honor of Erin's post about beer, I decided to write about beer. Well, not write, so much as be an advertisement for Two things I want to advert here, that I think are really cool.

1. the beer glasses are so cool. They look cool, they sound cool... I don't know if they would work like the website claims, but they sound neat-o.

2. the beer contest sounds like it would be really cool. I am interested in giving it a shot. I don't have a homemade recipe yet, but I am working on it. Might be fun, eh?

That is all.


Sampson said...

your links are no good to me.

Smackymc said...

Links fixed.

Sampson said...

"a glass that offers beer lovers a full sensory drinking experience by fully showcasing Samuel Adams Boston Lager's complex balance of malt and hop flavors. "

"Full sensory" and "showcasing" makes me think visually, so how does this work with beer flavors? Do malt and hops appear different in the beer? The best explanation I could find is that extra malt aids head retention. I don't see how this glass shows that off more than any other clear one.


They should have just said that the glass looks awesome and that drinking out of an awesome glass will make you think your beer is even more awesome by association.

I thought perhaps they would have some sort of expanation like there is for wine glasses: 1) that the overall shape of the glass allows it to breathe properly and 2) the curvature of the mouth of the glass causes the prized qaulities of the beer to be accentuated by how it flows into the mouth/over the tastebuds, etc.