Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Blogging

I am being forced to change to the new blog thing where you NEED gmail. I protest this absurd attempt by gooogle to insert itself into every little aspect of my life. If I wanted a gmail account, I should have gotten one. If I didn't then Google should go throw poo at its neighbors and be content with my gmail-less life. And I should not eed a gmail account to have a blog. Those two things should not need to be the same.

And there should be an opt out clause. Even the mandatory HPV laws have opt out clauses. Why does Google hate... well, everyone knows how that sentence ends. Now I am off to sulk and rant about Big Brother. You all laughed at me in the beginning. Well, who's laughing now??????????

Answer: No one is laughing. We're all sad that I was right.


Skewbiedoo said...

can't you just use your andyandbeth gmail account?

perhaps i shouldn't have shared that with the intarwebs. feel free to delete - this does not detract from the fact that you have an email account referencing your name PLUS you have a google talk account under your ....what you bitchin 'bout foo?

kids these days, i tell yah.

Delia Carolina said...

I looove my gmail account. So suck it up andy... you'll love it too one day.

Crystal said...

Also, you can still log in with the old Blogger log on, you just can't post on people who have upgraded (as I found out) with the old blogger handle.

P.S. They are not trying to integrate into every bit of your life, just trying to make it easier on their side. This way they only have one system of 'names' and 'passwords'. You can have a gmail account with out a working in box etc.

So quit whining!

Sampson said...

So much Google love among you people! You are googly-eyed for Google.

Now, who wants to talk about the Golgi apparatus?

Googliy googility goo.

Smackymc said...

I already have a gmail account in my name, so I am not complaining that I have to get one. Though if I didnt have one, I would have ocmplained. What I am complaining about is that I had to have one to do blogger.

I was forced to use my gmail account. I dont think it will let me log in with my blogger ID anymore. Once they decided that blogger beta was ready for mass use, they switched everyone over, whether you wanted to be switched over or not. I Object, I tell you.

I like diversity of IDs and passwords. I like being able to have my luggage combo be different from the combo to the airlock around Earth. Unifying all of these services just means its easier for people to keep track of.

Boo. Bad.

That is all.

Smackymc said...

and now it wont let me even post comments without using my google password and name. It shows as my blog ID, but i needed to sign in with my google ID...


Erin said...

Of course I signed up for one and then never use it. :) I like my way better :) Though it remembers my hotmail address generally for some reason that I can't really fathom.