Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Late Update

Time for a long awaited update!

So, here's my life these days in a nutshell. Job Hunting, Frisbee, Sleeping. Those are the big 3. It's getting a bit hectic round here, what with the no job thing and all. I mean, there's only so long that one can have a negative cash flow and not hit the end of the money. For us, that time is approaching. But things will work out, I am certain. It's just that this middle time is so frustrating and stressful.

Aside from that crap, things are ok. I have now lost 6 pounds, and counting. That's something, right? I've needed to lose weight for a long time now, so it's good to see some progress finally.

And I have found a fun new game, you guys should play it with me. It is called UpDown, and it is an investment game, like the one you probably played in middle or high school. You register, for free, no charge, and they start you with 1 million play dollars. After that, you play the stock market, and you do whatever it is you do. Since I don't have an investment strategy yet, I figure this will be a great opportunity to learn a bit of investing style. Plus, you can form investment groups, to track each others' progress and play against each other. It seems really cool - both Beth and I are doing it. You can join and find us and be our friends and maybe even join our cool group - The "Ultimate" Moneymakers. If you do join, befriend me and whatnot.

OK, I am off to collect some more names of attorneys in Jacksonville. Someone will be hiring, darnit! And they will hire ME. Wish me luck.


Crystal said...

Hang in there Buster, things will get better!

Congrats on the 6 lbs!

I will have to scope out your game later, sounds neat.

Jason said...

Hey, I looked at your game thing. I'll play, it looks like something I can use to occupy some of my at-work time (assuming I ever spend more than one day in a row on the ground).

Jason said...

Oh yea--congrats on the weight. You know, I'm down about 6 pounds from what I'd been for a while.

Care for some weight-loss competition?