Saturday, September 22, 2007

Weekend Update

Hello, internet.

So, my life has continued along on the same pace as the last couple of posts. I am almost done with my second month of unemployment, with no luck yet. I have sent out over 150 resumes... Seriously.

I made it my goal to send resumes out to every law firm in Jax, and I have almost done just that. I think I have 30 or so left, and then I will have completed my objective. However, this brings up another concern. What next? I will have sent resumes out to the law firms of Jax and the surrounding beaches.

It seems that I have 5 options before me. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.

1. Keep working the law firms here in Jax. Send out updates and follow ups and whatnot, to those who havent responded already.

2. Start sending resumes to the surrounding counties.

3. Start looking for non-law jobs and work in a non law setting until I get a legal job.

4. Apply for legal jobs in Tallahassee. I don't pick Tally at random - Beth's work has an office there, maybe they'd let her transfer to that office, thus letting her keep her job.

5. Go back to school for another degree of some sort.

I haven't presented the pros and cons of each, cause I don't want to bias your thoughts and comments. But I really would appreciate feedback - you guys are always good for ideas and thoughts.

In other news, if the scale is to be trusted, I have lost a total of 9 pounds since my diet began. Jason, how is your diet going? And how does this competition work?

So, I think that's it for my updates. At least for the moment.


Delia Carolina said...

send resume's to surrounding counties, and send to tally.

Smackymc said...

How come you like those options? :) I just like lots of input.

Crystal said...

Personally I would say expand your search for all of FL and add Nobbit into the bunch. It sounds like she doesn't like her job any way.

So if one of you can land a decent paying job, move to a new local. Then have prospective job hunter number two also start looking in said new area (though they would have been looking same time you were).

And, you could always apply for a job at [insert restaurant here] and keep it until you find a lawerly job if cash is tight. Its a set back, but it will keep the cash flowing if its needed.

[v][b] said...

Oh dear... you guys moving to another county is not an option I am choosing for you. However, you gotta do what you gotta do. But I still won't like it..

My original suggestion would be to find a good job that is non-law related, if you must. I had actually suggested that to Beth, but she said people know you won't be there long, or realize you are overqualfied. So.. that doesn't exactly work.

I have no good advice for this actually, but wanted to put in my 2 cents about you finding jobs somewhere other than Jax.
