Thursday, March 13, 2008


Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (you’re it) and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person that tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back, let me know when you’ve posted your blog so I can see your answers…

1. I don't care how my sandwiches are cut - or even if they're cut at all. If I'm making the sammich, I don't cut it. If someone else makes it, they can cut it or not as they see fit.

2. I am horrible at making things, but I have this drive to build and work with my hands. I always have ideas to make a bar or a cabinet for our wine glasses. Even though I suck at making things, I still always want to make more.

3. I am horrible at taking compliments. It's not that I don't believe people when they give me one, it's just I can't accept it as truth.

4. I really like baking. I think it's because it's a way to express my organization/OCD/whatever you call it. I know I don't have much of a drive to be organized or whatever, but in baking I do like to be organized and stuff.

5. I love learning new languages. I rarely stick with it enough to learn the language, but I really like learning it. I'm right now in the middle of learning Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic.

6. In my nightmares I am almost always running from something or someone. Also in my dreams I can breathe underwater.

7. I really enjoy teaching at the tutor place I work at. It's really a rush, watching the student "get it".

8. I want to brew my own beer, vint my own wine, and distill my own brandy. It's gonna be awesome. I even found a way to home distill - and as long as I use stainless steel or copper, I won't go blind. Awesome.

9. I don't like big cities. Too big and I feel like I don't have enough space and I'm congested. I liked Jax only because where we lived had a very small town feel to it - though driving 45 minutes just to cross town sucked.

10. I'm looking forward to having kids. Should be quite an adventure.

I tag Beth, Sampson, Paul and Jerris. And I bet 3 out of 4 of you will actually do it.

PS - see Jason? I did it by the end of the week. Not too bad, eh?


Crystal said...

I sooo didn't think you were gonna do it. Does that mean I just have to make everything a challenge to get you to do it?

I bet you wont eat dog poop

I bet you wont visit us in Okinawa


Skewbiedoo said...

I was tagged by Andy...ugh, I felt so violated!!

I quickly untagged myself though, and now I feel much better.

Erin said...

I feel so left out! I know I suck at blogging... I weep crocodile tears. I don't even rate a chain tag :(