Thursday, December 04, 2008

Brush the Dust Off

Hello? Does this thing work still?

Ok, so it's a bit of an exaggeration, but I really haven't updated much recently. But I have a good excuse.

It's because nothing new or wow-y has been going on.

I mean, things are still chugging along like usual. But nothing really post-worthy. The election went by, my candidate didn't win - and no, I didn't vote McCain. But I'm cautiously optimistic about Obama and his chances of not being horrible.

Fall Ultimate Frisbee league has been chugging along nicely, but nothing outstanding to report. It's in it's first season, so there are the inevitable kinks to work out. People bicker about the rules, and life goes on.

I'm going to start watching Lain again. And this time I'm going to finish it. I've had 2 attempts to watch it, with Jerris in the dorms and with I think 534. But both times we'll get 2 discs in and lose track of it. So hopefully third times a charm.

Thanksgiving came and went. I had turkey, but not as much as I would have liked. So here's to Christmas and New Year's to give me my tryptophan fix. (They don't have tryptophan in the blogger dictionary.) We did a panhandle sweep, seeing my folks and both of Nobbit's sides. It was fun. And we got to shoot guns. That was awesome. That's right. Me. With a gun. Shooting. Well, really missing. Wood targets. It was fun, and we got some good shots of Nobbit packing heat.

And now we're into December. Advent has started, our Christmas tree is up, Belenus has attempted to destroy 2 ornaments so far, and we're probably gonna string some lights around the house or backyard. We have tons of lights.

I think that's been it, really. Plugging away, doing the tutoring thing as much as I can, working on my various projects. A project for this weekend is to fix the power thingy on the computer. It is broken. The comp will either charge or be on, but not both at the same time. And when it's on, it runs on battery, even if the power cord is plugged in.

So that's my update. I'm gonna try and be more frequent with ym updates again. But, I am not as bad as Sampson. Or Jason. So I feel good. If we were being chased by a bear, I wouldn't be in danger of being eaten.

It's a metaphor.

PS - any of you guys going to a 10th year reunion at all? Anyone's classes even begun talking about it? I think mine has, but who can say if it'll actually happen. I just got wind of people starting to talk about it now, which is pretty late in the game, I think.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I've been thinking about the 10th reunion thing and it makes me feel old. Also, I have received ornaments from my grandmother and aunt every Christmas I've been alive, so when I put up the Christmas tree, I counted them all and it makes me feel old. I substitute teach and there are no longer kids in high school who were born in the 80s, and that makes me feel old. I can't imagine having the endurance to keep up with you crazy kids playing ultimate frisbee... because i AM old. No reunion for me, thank you. Unless it's a Landis reunion. In which case, I'm totally interested.