Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Top 10 Sci-Fi Films

I was inspired by this article, and so I think it would be cool to make my own top 10 sci-fi moovies ever. I don't have the list ready yet, so I will post if as a comment. Won't you do the same?


Sampson said...

I don't watch a lot of sci-fi in general - top 2 are Alien and Blade Runner (not that I'm partial to this director..but this is the movie mood I am writing from at this moment).

Other favorites: Equilibrium, Event Horizon (Sam Neil is so creepy), The Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Crystal, Spaceballs.

Crystal said...

Sampson has listed all excellent choices...

If you like old school I would add Farenheit 451 and... damn... that movie with Soylent Green

If we include Equilibrium as Sci-Fi could be not then include Matrix (only the first one), Gattica, 13th Floor and Dark City? Also all excellent

Never saw Solaris, might have to check it out

Delia Carolina said...

The Fifth Element
Return of the Jedi (w/o the ewok party)
Total Recall
Terminator (1 definitely, 2 when I'm in a good mood)
Star Trek - all of them but I really like First Contact
Independence Day
Jurassic Park

Smackymc said...

Thank you to Del for actually making a list. You others, shame!

1. Contact
2. Star Wars (episode 3)
3. Equilibrium
4. Spiderman
5. The Matrix (the first only)
6. ET
7. Jurassic Park
8. Stargate
9. Titan AE
10. Logan's Run

Sampson said...

I will not be confined by your facist ideas of list making.

I practice grouping. Yes, I admit it. I am a grouper.

Blub blub and swimmy swim swim...

Sampson said...

Its one of those afternoons, so I did googlism on your last name. Personally, I like the last one on the list.

Sampson said...

yes a list.

Delia Carolina said...

What does the name mean?
Last Name: Wentzell
German: variant spelling of Wentzel, or in some cases probably an altered spelling of the same name.

What does the name mean?
Last Name: Wentzel
German: variant spelling of Wenzel, or in some cases probably an altered spelling of the same name.

What does the name mean?
Last Name: Wenzel
German: from the personal name Wenzel, a pet form (with the German diminutive suffix -el) of the Middle High German personal name Wenze, a borrowing from Slavic representing a short form of the Old Czech personal name Vęceslav (see Vacek; the borrowing took place before Czech lost its nasal vowels).

What does the name mean?
Last Name: Vacek
Czech: from a pet form of the personal name Václav, Old Czech Vęceslav (cognate with Polish Więcesław, Latinized as Wenceslas). It is composed of the Old Slavic elements viece ‘greater’ + slav ‘glory’. It was borne by a 10th-century duke of Bohemia who fought against a revival of paganism in his territory, and after his death became patron saint of Bohemia.

Did you know this? If you know the meaning of your last name, does it match this info??