Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Short Thing

So I was reading about all of the restrictions for flying now, and all of the fuss. And amid it all, I read this, and I was intrigued. Read it and expand your minds. Oh, and add any corrections that the article guy wasn't aware of. That's all for now.


Crystal said...

The guy is pretty much right on all of it from my understanding, but I only have a Chem minor, ask a Chem major.

Be it liquid or powder you can make stuff go boom if you want it too. A bunch of the stuff is even uncontroled substances. If you can make Crystal Meth from uncontroled substances, you can make a bomb with them.

But guy fails to mention the most obviouse, what about buff people? A 350 lb body builder can take out people, doors, and hypothetically even rip seats off the floor bolts with enough time. Will we be chaining people up now?

I always thought military car inspections were pointless too. I don't care how hard they look, if I packed my steats with C4 no one is gonna see it unless there is a dog present. Granted thats one nervouse ride to base, but ::shrug:: it all goes back to determination.

Where there is a will there is a way. Look at prisons, we have had -all- sorts of things smuggled into prisons. When people get creative, there is virtually no way to stop them if they are dedicated, determined and do their homework.

Personally I think its all a method to fan the flames of fear and hate. Some measure of reasonable security, sure, to stop Joe Bob the retard. But truely intelligent people who beieve in a cause, its just dumb luck if they slip up and you catch them.

I don't promote terrorism, I don't think we should give into to that sort of thing. But taking liberties away from people is the answer. Its a downward spiral into getting everything X rayed, getting locked into my seat and having planes take unknown routs to destinations.

I think recently, for the first time in my life I actually have seen 'Big Brother' rear its ugly head in what could be the beginnings of a horrific decent into utter control. Your fear of 'the man' used to be funny, now...

Skewbiedoo said...

crystal, "But taking liberties away from people is the answer"...shouldn't there be a NOT in there somewhere?

Otherwise, yes I have to agree. I always thought that common sense would overcome this sort of thing. I've always thought that democracies have an organic flow of ideological support - i've been waiting for the pendulum to swing back now for a while....if this election doesn't bring that, I'm going to be seriously seriously concerned.

Crystal said...

The lack of a 'not' was sarcasm on my part, it was however lost since this is text.

Jason said...

From the beginning, I've seen all this security voodoo as just 'keeping the honest people honest'. Really, if you're that determined to take out a plane, you're going to find a way to do it that doesn't draw any attention at all.

I like the article's mention of the coke-can shiv, someone at the office mentioned that a while back when we were (edited to keep "the man" from knocking on my door) troubleshooting in-flight methods.

So, the question is, do the honest people really think they're protecting themselves from the not-so-honest people? Or is catching a few dumb criminals enough of a warm-fuzzy-feeling that they don't care about the anthrax in the talcum powder?

The next question is, how much shit are the honest people willing to put up with to keep that aforementioned warm-fuzzy feeling?

I know I, for one, get no warm-fuzzy from wading through security checkpoints. Especially after some of the things I've seen slip past.

Erin said...

Ah...but now you can't take anything liquid onto the plane, even if it is something you bought after passing through security (aka the "sterile zone"...I know ironic isn't it)... and to my amazement (I actually saw this happen two days ago) that includes icecream. Yeah, I'm going to destroy a plane with two scoops of Haagan Daaz. That goes double for my little pots and tubes of lipgloss..but my tube of traditional "solid" lipstick/chapstick is ok.

I wonder how all of the Body Shops and such places are doing in the airport. Better or worse? Selling replacements to people leaving or worse because no one can take their products on the plane.