Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My New Goal

I have decided that I have a new goal in life. It is a goal that may take all of my life, but I am sure that you will all agree that it is worth it. Indeed, you may join in and make this your own goal in life too.

At any rate, this is my new goal outlined in brief. I want to drink life to the fullest, sip everything that life has to offer. As such, I need to drink all 100 beers. Not all at once, mind you, but I want to try them all.

I don't think that they'll all taste good. There're alot of bitters and IPAs and such on the list, which I don't really like. But I will try them, and hopefully expand my palate as I climb this Mount Everest of beer lists. Sadly, thus far I have tasted only one of the beers on the list: the Anchor beer. I went out to Cali and tried it with Brother Aaron. It was pretty good. But that was the ONLY beer on this list that I have tried. So my task is monumental. But I shall overcome.

Won't you join me?


Sampson said...

Your parents will be so proud.

Crystal said...

We have discussed this in person...

List = Unexpectedly weak

Jason said...

Rogue=fairly good brewery. Sad is that several different stouts of theirs were all so high on the list.

Sad, period, is that so many stouts were so high on the list.

If you play around with that list, you can get it to give you some (slightly) more useful beer lists--limit yourself to countries that (mostly) aren't america, and pick a few from the top or middles of most of the lists by type. The down-side to those lists is that they rely on people having reviewed them on that particular site (or so the site seems to be trying to tell me).

If what you want is a list of beers that you can try to give yourself a variety of types, styles, and flavours (flavors), then you could take a look at this ... not that I'm advocating Omaha bars, I just couldn't find the London Bridge's Passport list online. I'll keep looking for somethign suitable.

nobbit said...

ew, there are a lot of IPA's on that list. Bleh. I like Jason's list but a lot of those are farmed out to US companies for creation here. We need to create a compilation list. Also, I thought Tsing Tao was a Thai beer? Or is my geography so extremely horrible. Ok wait, I remember now, with the gov. dispute. Oh, no, that was Taiwan. Thailand is its own country. My brain hurts. I need a beer...and a map;)

Jason said...

Nope, Tsing Tao (Qingdao) is a Chinese beer. One of the largest coastal cities in northern China--just a little below the northern horizontal peninsula if you're looking at a map.