Sunday, November 11, 2007

Finally an Update


It's been several weeks since I posted on this here blog. However, a week and a half of that time wasn't my fault - without an internet connection, updating is rather difficult. So here is the update...

We moved houses 2 weeks ago from this upcoming Tuesday. The move was
nasty. Beth took the big truck by herself, for which she gets several
thumbs up, and I took the car with all of the animals. Marco,Kyrie and George were contained, but Belenus and Dokan were free-roaming for the trip. Belenus would sit on the back of my neck, looking out the driver's window, or he would sit in the passenger seat. Dokan was meowing for a little while, but then settled down and sat in the back. Kyrie howled the whole way. bleh.

We got the house mostly cleaned before we left. I was really pressed for
time, and things just weren't going as fast as we hoped. So we didn't
do a finalswiffer , and we missed cleaning a couple other things. All
in all it was more cleaning than I've done at other houses, so we
should get most of our security deposit back.

And then we drove over to Tally. I got into town at 645 or so, dropped stuff off at home, and rushed immediately off to work.

Yes, work.

I am back at the tutoring place, teaching the LSAT. I had a Class
starting that night, so I was rushing not to be late. Good news is I
got there and taught and whatnot, soall's good.

And speaking of teaching. I am tutoring 2 nights a week for 3 hours per night. Then,
this week, I am picking up a one-on-one tutoring session for the LSAT,
which should end up being another 6 hours a week. It's not enough for
ends-meeting, but it is a nice start. If I can get one more student,
I'd be doing fine. Though these students won't be with me after
December, I can get more students (hopefully) for the February test.

And the house is coming along nicely. We had Jerris and Emmy and Paul and Carrie (a frisbee friend) help us move stuff in and unpack. So what usually takes us a
week or two took about 5 hours. And the animals all seem to like the
housealot . Nice sliding glass doors for them to look out of, lots of
space for George to play in. The weekend we moved in, we had a BBQ. We
dug afirepit (for smores) and cooked burgers and whatnot. It was alot of fun.

Then this weekend we had a game day. Beignets, coffee, fruit, Risk, Catan... I lost at Risk (barely), and lost at Catan (again barely). It was fun. This upcoming weekend, there is a meteor shower on Saturday night. We don't get much light pollution round here, so we should be able to seealot. So we'll hopefully have something going on - maybe some Catan, maybe some Balderdash, definitely some Apple Pie (I have a recipe I want to use).

Aside from that, not much is new. We are trying to decide how to decorate
each room. I want to have one room be a Japanese decorated room.
Crystal and Jason have given us some really cool decorative Japanese
things. One of which came recently as a care package -I don't think I
thanked them for it yet. It was perfectly timed, since we were getting
lots of bad news that week. And the package helped fund our Beer
tasting that weekend - we got a bunch of niceBelgian beers to taste
from the local fancy wine shop. So, though it is a late thanks -
Thanks, Jason and Crystal. We really appreciated the gift and the
thoughts behind it. It was very much appreciated. And Crystal, you need
to let Jason have some space on the card next time :)

Aside from the Japanese room, we don't know how we're gonna decorate the other
rooms. We have lots of pictures, it's just finding which ones fit

In other news, I picked up my Guitar again. 30 minutes a day from now until Christmas is my short term goal. If I can do that little bit, I will be very happy. Aside from that, I am at a tough patch with my weight. Haven't lost a pound in a few weeks. Jason, how's yours going?

Anyhow, that's about all I got for now. Enjoy your update, there will be more activity on here now that I've got internet again. Oh and watch my tumblelog.
I put whatever interesting articles i find on there - I don't have
energy to blog them, but I think they are interesting or funny or

So there ya go. An update.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Glad to hear your still alive! If you want more Japanese stuff just let us know and we will send it your way. I would say more, but right now I am still sick, tired from Geocashing all day and the NyQuil is kicking in.

More later, thanks for the update.