Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Got New Game

On one of the other websites I visit, there was a game people were playing. I thought it sounded cool, so we should all play. It's called

The Album Cover Game

Here's how you play:

1. You go to Wiki Random Article Generator. The first article you get is the name of your band.

2. Go to Random Quote Generator. The last 4 words from the quote that is x quotes from the bottom (where is is your birth month) are the title of the album.

3. Go to ROFLbot and play around. Use the random pic generator. Pick the random pic that best fits your band and album title. Then position the band name and album title on the pic, save it and post it on your blog. Best album cover wins 500 monopoly bucks.

My Submission:


Sampson said...

It is funny you should name that as a prize. This past Thursday I found a $500 Monopoly bill on the the ground in South Boston.

As you would probably suspect, I left it exactly where it was.

Jason said...

Having found some free time, I decided to contribute... I must admit I was somewhat disappointed with the pictures on the random-picture site and almost went elsewhere... but in the end, I came up with: