Thursday, January 03, 2008

IOWA and beyond

The Iowa caucus was tonight. Go find a newspaper if you want to see the results.

This isn't a real blog post so much as a list of questions on my mind tonight.

Who do you want to vote for?
What issues are MOST important to you?
Is the 2 party system ruining America?
Can you ever really 'waste' your vote?
Does the electoral college get in the way of a true representative democracy?

Maybe tomorrow I will comment on these. maybe you will too?


nobbit said...

Here are my not quite thought out but initial gut reactions (and therefore unlikely to change too much):

-Dunno for sure yet. Probably Obama.
-Privacy (both physical and spacial and all of the included sub-issues). Environment. Bill of Rights/General Constitutional issues.
-Only if you vote randomly with no information or reason behind your choice. Voting for a candidate who you know isn't going to win(someone like Nader in the last election for instance)is a statement of the need for change/more and not a waste.
-Yes. A vote should be a vote, not a suggestion.

Jerris said...

1. Not sure if I'll vote this year since any candidate who proposes any significant change isn't given a a chance to win: i.e Kucinich, Richardson, Paul, etc. But if I do, it will probably be Obama or Edwards.

2. Most important issues to me are economic reform, since the cost of everything is going up while wages are not, and foreign policy. Refusing to trade with certain countries while half the world continues to, only serves to make us look like idiots.

3. It's not the 2 party system ruining anything. It's the fact that the media decides which candidates are worthy of attention.
See this video for an example

4. A vote cast is never wasted.

5. Yes, the electoral college causes the minority groups of a state to lose all representation, allowing 51% or less to represent everyone.

Crystal said...

-I am not sure yet
-Environment, Foreign policy, health care and citizens rights
-I blame the media and people feeling that no one else will vote for the little guy (which is egged on by media).
-Well, my vote wont even count unless its a close election, its not even counted!
-I think it had its place, but now, with educated people it needs to go. Or perhaps it needs to be a figure head there just to make sure we don't elect Mickey Mouse

Smackymc said...

-I am fairly confidant I am voting for Paul.
- The war/foreign policy, Privacy, Protection from the government, General constitution issues
-the two party system is strangling and throttling the democratic process in America, assisted in large part by big media. We are force-fed 2 crap candidates and told that voting for someone else is wasting our vote. So we lose a little faith in the electoral process and buy into the media feed.
-No vote cast is wasted. But why do I always hear from people (other people, I know) that a vote for a 3rd party guy is a wasted vote and helps "the other guy"?
-I am in favor of modifying the electoral college. As it is now, a few key states are getting ALL of the attention, and some states are completely ignored. I would prefer the "National Popular Vote" format - see
It has it's drawbacks, but I think it follows the ideals of liberty and democracy in today's times.

Delia Carolina said...

1. I don't know who I want to vote for just yet... we'll see what happens after the s. carolina primaries. All I know is I'm definitely voting Dem.

2. -get out of iraq now - the economy... the euro is worth 2x the dollar. - environment! no more oil... (shoot even the hybrids should be obsolete by now...) - Keep roe v. wade alive - place some liberal justices in the supreme court when these guys start retiring - give more money to education (instead of the f'in war) - make health care more accessible - gay rights! (I love my gays, and they deserve the very same rights we have)... should I keep on going?? there are so many more... ban the patriot act... for god's sake... stop bypassing the constitution! (rant not over... but paused for now).

3. No I don't think the 2 party system is ruining America... I think uneducated voting Americans are ruining America as well as complacent non voters... I don't care who you vote for or what party you prefer... as long as you're making educated choices... research the candidates.

4. I do think the electorate gets in the way of a true representative democracy. If it weren't for the electoral college... we wouldn't be in the mess we are today... We would have had Gore in 2000... and at the very least... had Kerry in 2004. Of course... I'm sure that Bushy and his lil bro Jebby... had something to do with those results.

Crystal said...

A movie just for you