Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Where's the wonder?

I don't have much to say, just a few questions I was thinking about last night. I was watching a movie and the protagonists went to a World's Fair at the turn of the century. They saw a light display on a couple of buildings, and were in awe. The look of wonder on their faces got me to thinking...

1. Are we losing (or have we lost) our sense of wonder or awe?

2. If so, what is (are) the cause(s) of the loss?

3. What fills you with awe or wonder?


Jerris said...

I think technology still awes most everyone; it just has to be something beyond what you are used to. For the generation that grew up with camera phones and HD TV it takes a lot more. I was pretty impressed when HD plasma screen first hit the market.

If we have lost any sense of wonderment, I suspect its because of the spread of information. We are aware of the small advancements in technology, so its rare to be surprised by anything new. We've even come to expect the next step years before its been accomplished.

nobbit said...

Sort of taking what Jerris said (and what we discussed the other night). I think technology and information has desensitized us somewhat. I find,though, that I am awed by much simpler things. Oftentimes it is things found in nature. A stunning sunset, a meteor shower, rainbows, owls flying silently, huge whales and jumping sharks, etc. Fireworks still fill me with wonder, no matter what.

Crystal said...

I think there still is a sense of wonder about, it has just changed. It takes more than huge ferris wheels and Its a Small World to wonder us. Now we have thinks like the Martian Rover, Super Computers, Asmo and even simple thinks like the convection oven to amaze us.

I also agree with Nobbit in that there is a return to nature element that is wondering new techno generations. Legions of people break away from their TVs to see things like Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon these days.

I just think because we hear about so many things on the internet, TV, phone etc we get our wonder in much smaller doses. Its easier to swallow and doesn't usually come in big packets of wow we can do all that?

We still even have thinks similar to the Worlds Fair, like TED and other conventions where we can be wowed by the new technologies, concepts or even ideas. It's just, now, we expect more than just dancing dolls on a boat ride, we expect fully functioning ninja robots with lasers who can stop global warming and recycle while solving world hunger and can be deployed as a massive ninja missile if needed. We have raised the bar, and always should.

Sampson said...

the wonder leaves with over-exposure. you need a new post.