Sunday, September 21, 2008

200th Post

This is my 200th post - yay me! And as I sit here, playing Burnout Revenge and considering life, I find that I want to continue the themes I have been exploring lately. The theme being, of course, when people view their lives, do they see chance or fate.

Looking at what you do, or what you aspire to do, why did you choose to do it? Was it just that it interested you? Was it that it was what you are passionate about? Or was it something you felt called to do? Why do you do what you do?

And further, could you imagine doing anything else? Could you imagine a world where you had a totally different job or aspiration?

For myself, these ideas are in my mind as I sit and search for jobs. Why do I have a law degree? Why do or did I aspire to be a lawyer? Is that really the career for me, or is it just a stepping stone in my life, a resting spot until I can find something... better, for lack of a better word, though I don't know if better is right.

So let's hear your thoughts. Why do you do what you do?

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I think there are a variety of things that got me where I am today and frankly, its not how I thought I would get here.

I also think that I would be happy doing a variety of things really but they all seem to come back to science and animals. I have a passionate field I guess you would say.

But then I also have a small voice inside of me that really likes to study other cultures and the like, but then mostly that voice is crushed by the rest of me that either says oo look a moose or that's not practical, what can you do with studying culture.

Um... I have more to say but its bed time-ish.